6 Most Powerful Empires in History

These mighty empires have stood the test of time and the test of numerous battles. They have ruled through many eras, standing the test of time through war, commerce, and growth in power. Historians speculate that many of these kingdoms, empires, and dynasties changed the custom of life throughout many countries. Take a look at our list and read about how they rose and fall.

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Persian (Achaemenid) empire

550 B.C. – 19th century A.D.
Helmed by Cyrus the Great, the Achaemenid empire was united by Nomadic tribes who conquered nearby kingdoms and territories of modern day Iran. The land they conquered led to substantial growth and advances in various technologies. They became one of the first civilizations that catalyzed the existence of Mesopotamia, a historical region in Western Asia which was unified under a single government.

Mongol Empire

1206 –1368
The Mongol empire was the largest land empire in history, spanning from Northwestern China to Vietnam, Poland, Syria, and Korea. It was led by one of the most gruesome leaders of all time, Genghis Khan. The Mongol empire unified smaller tribes and conquered many dynasties through numerous campaigns. With gruesome tactics, they would take out their enemy’s leadership and obtain more subordinates from the opposing side. This led to them not only growing in size, but in knowledge and strategy as well.

Russian empire (Romanov era)

One of the longest Monarchies in history, the Romanov family became very prosperous throughout early Siberia by maintaining strict laws and taxes that its society had to endure, including a poll tax that enabled 97 percent towards peasants and 3 percent towards townsmen. Although this empire had a tight lock on the throne, the Russian empire faced many political reforms that ultimately led to the Russian Revolution. This brought a violent end to the Romanov monarchy and caused a collapse of the Russian empire.

Macedonian Kingdom

2 B.C. – 4 B.C.
The Macedonian Kingdom is speculated by historians to be one of the largest empires in history. This kingdom’s reign spanned from the Northeast of Greece to across the Mediterranean sea and as far as India. Conquering many territories including the Achaemenid empire, it was led by Philip II and Alexander the Great. The war campaigns that Alexander’s Army ensued lasted well over 11 years. Not only did they unify various amounts of Kingdoms, the Macedonian era would change the course of European and Asian culture as well.

Aztec Civilization

Indigenous to modern day Mexico, the Aztecs harnessed its society around a religious and traditional culture. Harnessing their own language of Nahuatl, the Aztecs establish a system of commerce with various markets throughout the city Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs cultivated a highly advanced society with a strong social infrastructure, sophisticated agriculture system, and powerful military. However, it did not last as long as other great civilizations, as the Aztecs faced the Spanish invasion of Hernán Cortés. This led to the decimation of the civilization due to unforeseen war technology and spread of diseases like smallpox and salmonella. The Aztecs are notoriously famous for their rapid growth, followed by a sudden fall.

Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was one of the largest ever known. It thrived under the reign of Emperor Trajan, uniting the territories of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Roman Empire was the cradle of Western Civilization, because the culture of Ancient Rome had a massively intense influence on the development of many areas. These areas included language, philosophy, religion, law, architecture, and even the first forms of government within the area it governed, particularly the area of present-day Europe.