Entertainment (36)

10 Favorite 80s & 90s Action Movie Stars Then and Now

The 1980-1999s were pretty crazy decades for Hollywood. Everyone wanted to out-do everyone else, be it in the fashion aspect,…

by Sam

10 Facts You Did Not Know About Hinduism

Hinduism appeared as an amalgam of sacred texts, philosophical teachings, and knowledge from all fields of life long before a…

by Sam

7 Movies to Watch If You Love Bird Box

Netflix has done it again and managed to create a highly hyped movie that’s been watched by pretty much half…

by Sam

9 Cutest Animals With Gigantic Ears

Of course it’s the proportional size that matters not the actual measurements. Most of you would just think of an…

by Sam

10 European Destinations Worth Visiting in 2019

When you think about traveling through Europe, what comes to mind? If you said, “Checking out Brno, Czech Republic” you’re…

by Sam

11 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2019

What a time to be alive! Video gaming is at an all time high and the video gaming industry has…

by Sam